Astrologer Patsy Bennett shares the best money advice she's ever received


Knowing your astrological charts can help us understand who we are and what we're doing, says astrologer Patsy Bennett. It can also highlight patterns to know if it is a good time to apply for a new job or make other life changes.

Bennett has clients from shearers to barmaids, social workers to celebrities.

She's always had the ability to work remotely but this part of her business stepped up during COVID lockdowns and she was able to expand her client base. Her book Sun Sign Secrets is out now and focuses on what 2022 holds. Her 2022 Daily Horoscopes book of predictions is also out.

patsy bennett astrologer

When did your interest in astrology begin?

It started really young, aged 11 or 12, and from that point, I was trying to understand a bit more about myself and other people. I was lucky I was able to find books at home and start doing my own research and I found astrology provided answers to questions you couldn't ask anywhere else, especially relating to patterns.

For example, in communication, it struck me that how can I have two or three weeks when I don't see any friends then four or five people call within the same hour. I did become more academic about it and studied at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London and then started taking on clients and doing readings for people.

What are people most interested in finding out?

People are looking a little bit more at what they can do personally to achieve a sense of freedom, self-reliance and purpose in their lives. What people want to know is around work and fulfillment in what they do for 7-8 hours a day, help with understanding what will make them happy and also their love life.

For those who are happily married or single, they may be perhaps asking more about family - and relationship dynamics. How can they improve on certain interactions if they've become a bit stuck.  I have happy customers - people come back, I love that. With astrology it's useful if you like to plan ahead and like to have all your ducks in a row.

We look at what kind of planetary influences we have moving forward and have our lives in line with what synchronises personally. For example, what kind of influence do I have around me right now to move house or change jobs - and use it as guidance.

What was your first job?

It was picking strawberries in Norfolk, England, and I look back at that and think what a beautiful life that was. I was at school and that was a lovely first job to have.

My first real job when I finished college/uni was at Marks and Spencers in the childrenswear section. It was fun and lasted one summer and then I went straight into fitness coaching - aerobics - it was all Lycra and very Jane Fonda.

What's the best money advice you've ever received?

Not to have any cash lying around not being used. To use the money that you earn, and to generally put it into bricks and mortar. I certainly don't have very big bank accounts.

What's the best investment decision you've made?

To put money into property - especially to build from the ground up. To buy a block and build your house wherever that may be. To start something small and gradually build up. In worst-case scenarios, you then have security and stability.

What's the worst investment decision you've made?

I want to say buying a block of land. We need professional advice and we need to be careful with property.

I did once buy a block with the intention of building but it was when other things in my life took off and I didn't have the money to build and was still paying the mortgage on the block. Professional advice is still important as it's easy to make mistakes.

What is your favourite thing to splurge on?

Good food - and perhaps now and then something an item of clothing that I would normally think is way out of my price range. I worked for a long time on women's magazines in London and developed a taste for beautiful styling and design so once in a while I will splash out - mostly in sales because I know what the markups are in high-end fashion.

If you had $10,000 where would you invest it?

I would put it into my home because homes need constant upkeep, and I'd put it into something that provides a sense of stability.

What would you do if you only had $50 left in the bank?

I would keep doing what I do now - work. It's almost immaterial to me how much cash I have lying around, I would keep working because I love what I do.

Do you intend to leave an inheritance?

Yes, I will. As a medium and astrologer, I know that the soul connections we have with parents, children, siblings, and partners, go on forever and I would want to know that my children and those that I love are well provided for because we'll be meeting again.

What's been your best money-making career move?

It was when I was a journalist, to become freelance and subsequently to build my own business and write books.

Finish this sentence: money makes... 

... some people happy and it makes some people miserable and it very much depends on how you earn it. It's very much if you do what you love, then you never work a day, but if what you're doing is purely for the sake of making money then there is no great happiness there.

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Julia Newbould was editor-at-large and later managing editor of Money from November 2019 to February 2022. She was previously editor of Financial Planning and Super Review magazines; managing editor at InvestorInfo and at Morningstar Australia. Julia co-authored The Joy of Money, a book on women and personal finance. She holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney where she serves on the alumni council.
Greg Painter
October 30, 2021 9.56am

Hi Julia. Perhaps your readers should also Google/ Youtube the Forer/ Barnham effect for a balanced point of view regarding astrology.