Five easy steps for selling your home without an agent


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Can you sell your home without an agent? The answer is yes. It's all about preparation, presentation and price.


First impressions count so ensure your home sparkles, smells great and is uncluttered and inviting. Hide personal photos and ask yourself buyer questions:

selling home without an agent

  • Is this home in good condition?
  • Have the owners looked after it?
  • Is it in need of maintenance?

Prepare yourself to sell to a total stranger. The objective is to sell to the person who offers the best price, not to find a new best friend.


Recent sales and current on-market data are the most accurate indicators to arrive at a price.

Time is lost by pricing emotionally on the amount needed to buy your next property. It's not logical, so do your homework and price your property to the market.


You need professional photos, a floor plan and a short written property overview.

Maintain a clean and tidy presentation standard so that at each inspection your home is presented the same way.

If you have a dog that loves jumping up and licking everyone, get a petsitter at inspection time.

Air your home - bad smells don't go with big sales. Consider lighting scented candles.

Dress as if you are entertaining, put fresh flowers around and ensure dishes are done and bathrooms are spotless.


Over 95% of buyers look online. Websites simply replicating listings will not find you buyers, as they are checking the leading sites.

Signboards also attract attention. When writing about your property, don't turn it into a life story.

Keep the message clear and outline the benefits, ambiance, and fittings. The objective is to create enough interest to get buyers to inspect your property, not just read about it.


Treat potential buyers as guests; be warm and friendly but don't go over the top. The objective is to make them feel welcome and able to inspect unhindered.

Don't rave on or follow them around. Once they have had a look answer any questions.

Once you have a buyer, move quickly with settlement, drive the process and keep pushing the conveyancers, as often this is where sales fall over.

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